Topology optimization of structures with stress and additive manufacturing constraints
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Opole University of Technology, Opole, Poland
Submission date: 2019-11-28
Final revision date: 2020-01-28
Acceptance date: 2020-02-24
Online publication date: 2020-04-15
Publication date: 2020-04-15
Corresponding author
Grzegorz Fiuk   

Mechanical Department, Opole University of Technology, Poland
Journal of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics 2020;58(2):459-468
The paper presents a new methodology dedicated to design for additive manufacturing. Based on a hybrid algorithm of topological optimization, the method enables application of advanced constraints and validates solutions “on the fly” using virtual prototyping. Advanced constraints consider the influence of directions of additive manufacturing as well as the equivalent stress. In the optimization framework, real material properties related to three manufacturing directions were considered. The new design methodology is illustrated by benchmark tests and examples of wrist-hand orthosis topology optimization in which stress and manufacturing constraints were taken into account. As demonstrated by the conducted comparison tests with available commercial tools, the solutions obtained with the new method were characterized by lower mass and shorter computation time.
This paper is funded by the National Science Center, Poland on the implementation of the scientific activity, which received funding under the competition: “MINIATURA I” No. 2017/01/X/ST8/00156.
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