Exploration of frequency characteristics of ball bearing with uneven load bearing effect caused by wear failure of multiple rolling bodies under starved lubrication
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Handan University, Mechanical and Electrical College, Handan, China
Submission date: 2024-07-18
Final revision date: 2024-09-23
Acceptance date: 2024-11-11
Online publication date: 2025-02-12
Corresponding author
Zhongtang Huo   

Mechanical and Electrical College, Handan University, 530 Xueyuan North Road, Hanshan District, Handan C, 056006, Handan, China
Journal of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics 2025;63(1):197-209
Pointed at the problem of increased wear of rolling bodies (RBs) in a bearing under starved lubrication as well as abnormal vibration and increased noise of the bearing after occurence of wear fault, a fault dynamics model was proposed to simulate the interaction between components by quantifying the degree of rolling bodies wear. The results indicated that the bearing exhibited an uneven load bearing effect after the wear fault. The fractional multiple of the rotation frequency of the cage could be used as the basis for monitoring wear fault of rolling bodies. The research provides a reference for the diagnosis of wear fault in rolling bodies.
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