Numerical modeling of uncertainty in acoustic propagation via generalized polynomial chaos
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University of Sfax, National School of Engineers of Sfax, Mechanical Modeling and Manufacturing Laboratory (LA2MP), Sfax, Tunisia
University of Rouen Normandie, LMN, National Institute of Applied Sciences (INSA Rouen), Rouen, France
Submission date: 2017-08-24
Acceptance date: 2018-04-03
Publication date: 2019-01-20
Journal of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics 2019;57(1):3-15
This work aims at increasing the performance prediction for acoustic propagation systems that will operate in the presence of the inevitable parameters uncertainty. In the present contribution, the finite element method is applied to solve an acoustic problem described by the Helmholz equation when the geometric and material properties present uncertainty. The influence of the uncertainty of physical parameters on the pressure field is discussed. The results using the polynomial chaos expansion method are compared with Monte Carlo simulations. It is show that uncertainty levels in the input data could result in large variability in the calculated pressure field in the domain.
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