Combined braking performance of shape memory alloy and magnetorheological fluid
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College of Mechanical Engineering, Chongqing University of Technology, Chongqing, China
Submission date: 2020-12-23
Final revision date: 2021-03-22
Acceptance date: 2021-03-26
Online publication date: 2021-05-20
Publication date: 2021-07-25
Corresponding author
Jin Huang   

College of Mechanical Engineering, Chongqing University of Technology, Hongguang Blvd., Banan District, 400054, Chongqing, China
Journal of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics 2021;59(3):355-368
To overcome the disadvantage of decreasing the braking performance of a magnetorheological fluid at high temperatures, a method of combined braking of a shape memory alloy and a magnetorheological fluid is proposed in this paper. The braking torque does not decrease with increasing temperature. Based on the magnetorheological characteristics, the braking torque equation of the magnetorheological fluid is established. Based on the characteristics of the thermal effect, the brake torque equations generated by the shape memory alloy springs are established. This paper provides a basis for the design and manufacture of the shape memory alloy and magnetorheological fluid combined brake system through experiments and theoretical analysis.
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