On mitigation of oscillations of a mechanical system with two degrees of freedom in the vicinity of external resonances
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Universidad de Barcelona, Spain
Nizhyn Mykola Gogol State University, Ukraine
National Aerospace University KhAI, Ukraine
Submission date: 2022-12-13
Final revision date: 2023-03-05
Acceptance date: 2023-05-31
Online publication date: 2023-07-12
Publication date: 2023-07-31
Corresponding author
Nina Savchenko   

Higher Mathematics and System Analysis, National Aerospace University KhAI, Chkalova, 17, 61070, Kharkiv, Ukraine
Journal of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics 2023;61(3):613-624
In this article, we study dynamical behaviour of a 2-DoF mechanical system subjected to an external harmonic force. This system which consists of the Duffing oscillator considered as a bulk system and a linear dynamic vibration absorber (LDVA) attached to it. An analytical approach for optimal choice of the parameters of the LDVA is suggested with the aim to avoid the “superfluous” increase in the amplitude of forced oscillations of the main system. The analysis performed shows that when using a linear absorber, its proper tuning (choice of stiffness and damping coefficients) gives satisfactory results – the peak values of the frequency-amplitude curve (FAC) are decreasing comparatively with the case of the linear main oscillator.
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