Modified model for shear stress distribution using TRI-1 Lunar soil simulant
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Civil Engineering Department, National Institute of Technology, Tiruchirappalli, Tamil Nadu
Submission date: 2016-06-16
Acceptance date: 2017-07-28
Online publication date: 2018-01-15
Publication date: 2018-01-15
Journal of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics 2018;56(1):137-146
In the present study, research is carried out on deriving modified analytical equations for finding shear stress distribution and known as Modified Shear Stress models (SSM) beneath plain wheels (small and large) on TRI-1 lunar soil simulant. In all four models, the Reece model, Bekker model, Wong-Reece model and Iagnemma model, normal stress and shear stress are determined, and the shear stress determination is based on the Janosi and Hana- moto (1961) model. There exists ample scope for modifying this model. A modified model for shear stress distribution is developed and the same is discussed in this paper.
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