Model considering residual stiffness and stiffness discontinuity of bolted joints
Fei Wu 1
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College of Nuclear Science and Technology, Naval University of Engineering, Wuhan, China
Submission date: 2021-06-15
Final revision date: 2021-08-20
Acceptance date: 2021-10-04
Online publication date: 2021-12-12
Publication date: 2022-01-20
Corresponding author
Min Zhu   

College of Nuclear Science and Technology, Naval University of Engineering, China
Journal of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics 2022;60(1):63-75
The nonlinear dynamic behavior has an important impact on energy dissipation and vibra- tion damping characteristics of bolted joints. Firstly, the development of tangential dynamic models is summarized and analyzed. Secondly, a five-parameter Iwan model based on a trun- cated power-law distribution is proposed. The backbone and hysteresis curves are obtained. Thirdly, normalized and dimensionless analysis is performed. On the basis of the above, a more concise four-parameter Iwan model with stiffness continuity is proposed. Finally, the validity of the model is verified by comparing the energy dissipation vs excitation force amplitude curve with the experimental data.
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