A blade design performance based off-design loss prediction method for axial flow compressors and cascades
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School of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai
AECC Commercial Aircraft Engine Co., Ltd., Shanghai
Submission date: 2018-11-23
Acceptance date: 2019-05-28
Online publication date: 2019-10-15
Publication date: 2019-10-15
Journal of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics 2019;57(4):973-985
A series of compressor and cascade test recordings are studied to investigate the off-design loss prediction method. The blade design performance is used to predict the off-design loss changing rate at all operating conditions through analytical derivations and statistical cor- relation studies. The linear correlation between the incidence and a non-dimensional blade loading factor is the foundation of the prediction method. The off-design incidence is nor- malized using the off-design blade loading factor for different series of blade designs. An analytical method is introduced to predict the off-design blade loading factor based on de- sign parameters and linear correlation. The changing rate of the off-design loss against the blade loading factor is empirically given through statistical analysis. In application, the pre- diction method can be used to demonstrate the design space of the off-design incidence for a blade series. The modification of the endwall and the rotor tip loss is recommended to give a more accurate prediction in those regions.
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